Tuesday’s Jokes, Quotes, Quizzlers and Teases!

WELCOME to Tuesday April 24, 2012.  
I find it amazing that life moves as fast as it does! Somebody once said that if a man thinks the same at the age of 50 as he did at the age of 20, then he has wasted 30 years of his life. Although I do have some friends or should I say associates who still do the same thing that we used to 30 years ago, I have learned to embrace and enjoy life! It’s just too short to not enjoy the beauty of living! Given the choices that we face on a daily basis; either wake up and live or not! I’m gonna embrace the waking up part every single day for the rest of my life. Thats my story and I’m sticking too it! Have a great Tuesday people, try enjoying your day, and whatever you  do, don’t forget to LAUGH IT UP! Peace I am outta here, Eucman!

“Health experts have named Mississippi the fattest state in the Union. The state bird of Mississippi?
The fried chicken.” -Jay Leno

“This week in New Zealand, a man who lost his wedding ring in the ocean found it in the water over a year
later. The man says the most amazing thing about the story is that his wife fell for it.” -Conan O’Brien

“Philadelphia has a new plan to ticket pedestrians who text without looking up while they walk. As opposed to the previous punishment: lamp posts.” -Jimmy Fallon

G U A R A N T E D T O M A K E Y O U L A F F….
Ever wonder what medical personnel scribble on those clipboards attached to the foot
of the bed? Here are some incredible comments taken from hospital charts:
“The patient refused autopsy.”

“The patient has no previous history of suicides.”

“She has had no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night.”

“She is numb from her toes down.”

“Patient has two teenage children but no other abnormalities.”

“Discharge status: Alive but without my permission.”

Monday’s Movie Trivia of the day!‘How much movie trivia can you answer?What movie is this quote from???
‘Guns don’t kill people – postal workers do.’  Answer:The Mexican. A bad, bad movie with Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt,
and James Gandolfini.

Tuesday’s Movie Trivia of the day!‘How much movie trivia can you answer?What movie is this quote from???
‘No. No, Mother, I have not been drinking. No. No. These two men, they poured  a whole bottle of bourbon
into me. No, they didn’t give me a chaser.’

Monday’s Quizzler is……….
Below are 3 pairs of words. Find the words that fit in the middle of each pair of words to create two new words,
one front-ended and one back-ended.
Example: EVER – ______ – HORN Answer: EVER – GREEN – HORN 1. BREAD – _________ – CAKE 2. WATER – _________ – READ 3. CHECK – _________ – LESS


Tuesday’s Quizzlers is………. Using a combination of letters and/or numbers to sound out the answers, can you solve the clues? (The first one is free)
1. Not difficult – EZ (Easy) 2. Unoccupied 3. To do better than others 4. Defeated 5. A number (use only letters for this one) 6. A sport 7. Freezing

Look for answers to today’s quizzlers in WEDNESDAYS Jokes, Quotes, Quizzlers& Teases! Like this newsletter? Want to receive it daily? Also

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